Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In Loving Memory - Rose Lumsden

Rose is my aunt. She did not survive breast cancer. She was only 39 years old with three small children. She had so much faith. She received the Lord as her personal Savior when she was in high school and was in ministry. Witnesses state that while her children, husband, and brother stood around her bedside, she prayed as she gave up the ghost. She believed God for her healing unto death.

Our family will particiapate in a breast cancer awareness walk this weekend in Jacksonville Florida.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - October

Continue to pray for cure,
Bishop McCollough

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Together We Stand

Together in ChristChristians, we must stand united in Christ!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Victim of Hate Crime

Marine Sergeant Major

USMC The McColloughs

Pat McColloough Victim of Hate Crime

Vandalized the back of my brand new vehicle.
Back of vehicle spray painted with hate graffiti.

My specialized Marine Corps tag.
Blackened with spray painted with black painted.

The criminal spray painted his signature
in the right tail light area.

This is a really bad swatstika symbol
spray painted on the left tail light area.

This is the back of my classroom door.
The only door sray painted in the entire school.

This is me...What a shock...this is not the 60's!
KKK showcasing thier 21st century presence.

An Alachua County Deputy.
He informed me that is considered a
"hate crime."